Cost Of Repointing

Last updated: 22 Apr 2022

Repointing costs can depend upon the bricklayers charges, the joint size, type of mortar, brickwork, height and ease of access

Cost Of Repointing

Repointing- How much does it cost?

Generally, bricklayers will charge per square metre for repointing. This could be anywhere between £20 to £40 per m2 depending on the bricklayer, joint size, type of mortar, type of brickwork, height and ease of access. If any repointing is needed around windows and doors, then this is normally not included in the quoted price as these areas can take up to twice as long! Other costs can be incurred from scaffolding, if it is required, as repointing scaffolding is more expensive than roofing scaffold due to the more stages and levels that are needed. 

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