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Fitted Bedroom Specialists

A perfect way to add order and storage to your bedroom is to use fitted furniture. Fitted furniture, on the other hand, comes in a broader range of colours and, most importantly, makes good use of the limited space in the bedroom. When choosing a fitted bedroom, you should have a clear sense of how much money you want to spend as well as the form, height, and style of the space. You should also consider the amount of room available, such as long hanging space for dresses and skirts, hanging space for shirts and blouses, and shelves for t-shirts, socks, sweaters, and accessories. Finally, think about colour and design options; there are many to choose from, including both modern and traditional styles to suit your taste and your room.

Fitted Bedrooms- How much do they cost?

When it comes to fitted bedroom and installation costs, the size and form of your bedroom, as well as the products you use, will obviously affect the price. However, the estimated cost of a fully equipped bedroom, including installation costs, is between £3,500 and £8,000. Expect to pay an additional £200 to £350 for installation if the quote does not contain it. Although fitted bedroom furniture is more expensive than freestanding furniture, the storage space of fitted furniture is far greater, so it might not be as expensive as you think. 

Fitted Bedroom Furniture Suppliers

Many bedroom furniture companies have their own carpenters or joiners or have a contract with a local carpenter. You are not, though, obligated to use the same business for both manufacturing and installation. When posting a job on Top Tradespeople, always gather a few different quotes so that you can compare prices and previous work to get the best company to supply and fit your furniture. Most fitted furniture companies would need a deposit before beginning work, but never pay for the job in full; a deposit of about 25% is common in the industry. It is best to have a written quotation with detailed specifics of the job before you sign the contract. Make sure to check for any cancellation clauses as they can be quite expensive. 

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