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What are the pros and cons of vinyl flooring?

Vinyl flooring has fallen out of fashion in recent years as we’ve all been replacing our bathroom floors with either tiles or laminate planks. For many people, linoleum or vinyl flooring conjures up images of cold, unwelcoming bathrooms but many modern vinyl products are many miles away from this stereotype, and there are many reasons why vinyl flooring might be a great choice for your bathroom.

Vinyl flooring is reasonably priced

If you’re looking for a quick and inexpensive way to make over your bathroom floor, then vinyl is probably the best option. Vinyl flooring comes in tiles or sheets, and the cheapest designs start at around £9 per square metre. Even the more expensive vinyls cost less than £20 per square metre, which is often cheaper than tiles. Vinyl is relatively cheap to have fitted too. Costs for applying vinyl tiles will be higher, but expect to pay a fitter around £125 to fit vinyl in an average bathroom.

To ensure you are getting the best price always get at least three quotes from local carpet or flooring fitters, and never pay them the price in full before the job has been completed.

Vinyl is easy to clean and maintain

One of the main drawbacks with tiles on the floor is that over time the grout can start to either break down or start to look grubby.

Using vinyl means that there is no need for grouting, and it also provides you with a flat surface which is very easy to keep clean using the hoover or a mop and soapy water. Just make sure you don’t use bleach based cleaning products on your vinyl floor as over time these can start to break down the colour in the flooring.

Vinyl flooring is long lasting

The main problem with linoleum in the past was that it was brittle, and had a tendency to crack over time.

Modern vinyl flooring is much more pliable, and if you buy a reasonable quality vinyl and look after it by keeping it clean, you can expect it to easily last 20 years, and in an area such as a bathroom where there is not as much traffic with people walking, it can last even longer.

It’s therefore probably worth spending a bit more on your vinyl in the knowledge that it will be false economy to buy a cheaper flooring which will need replaced much sooner.

Choice of patterns with vinyl flooring

One of the other main benefits of vinyl flooring is the huge range of patterns and colours available.

You can opt for vinyl flooring which is supposed to look like tiles or wood planks, or choose from any number of other designs.

If you opt for vinyl tiles you can get even more creative with colour by mixing and matching colours and patterns in whichever way you choose.

Most flooring showrooms will be able to give you some ideas and inspiration for the best way of using vinyl flooring at home, or use the internet to get ideas from around the world.

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