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Find Local Flooring Near You

Solid Wood Flooring 

Solid flooring looks great in many homes due to its natural charm and look. It is also popular as there are many varieties to choose from such as American Oak, Ash, European Oak, Maple and many more. Solid wood flooring usually comes in strips ranging from 15mm to 20mm thick and can be nailed or screwed down to joists, battens, or even existing floorboards! 

Some advantages of solid flooring are its unique look, rustic charm, durability, and easy maintenance (as it only requires an oil or lacquer to keep its shine or as protection from heavy footfall). There are some disadvantages to solid wood flooring. For example, it is quite susceptible to scratches and scuffs, like most flooring, but can be fixed by sanding the area and then applying the stain of your choice. Also, solid flooring expands and contracts in hotter temperatures, so before installing solid wooden flooring an expansion gap between the floor and the wall is needed to make room for the expansion. 

Engineered Wood Flooring

If you are looking for a cheaper wood flooring alternative, then engineered wood flooring is the best option. It is a great alternative as it replicates the look of solid wood flooring but is made from hardwood which is bonded onto a base of either plywood or fibreboard. Unlike solid wood flooring, does not expand or contract in hotter temperatures so it is not likely you will need an expansion gap. Engineered wood flooring can be fitted the same way solid wooden flooring can and you can also use the same oil and lacquers on both floorings.

How much does it cost to install solid wood flooring? 

The most expensive type of wooden flooring is solid wooden flooring, and it is best to be installed by a professional so that the flooring is installed correctly, is long-lasting and minimises the waste of product during installation. Oiled and lacquered solid wood planks around 150mm wide cost between £30 and £50 per square metre. Prices can vary when installing wooden flooring due to the type of wood you choose or the shape of the room as rooms with awkward shapes will take more time to install. As a general guide, the cost of installing solid timber flooring will range between £15 and £80 per metre which includes the price for sealing the wood. 

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Laminate Flooring

Laminate flooring, which is offered in planks or boards that mimic wood flooring, is manufactured from a resinous composite foundation, and coated with a clear protective covering. Laminate may be placed over wood or concrete subfloors. As laminate is vulnerable to moisture damage, it is not suggested for use in damp locations like kitchens and bathrooms etc.  Because of its similarity to genuine wood, laminate is frequently selected, although it is prone to dents and scratches.

Fitting Flooring- How much does it cost?

Depending on the flooring you are looking to have fitted, the cost of materials and labour can vary greatly.  Fitting to awkward shapes or spaces can raise the price due to the increased difficulty when fitting. For laminate flooring, you can find great bargains for less than £5 per square metre with fitting costs per m2 ranging between £8 to £12. 

Finding prices and quotes has never been easier on Top Tradespeople. Simply post your job and we will connect you with up to 3 local Floor Fitters without obligation, and totally free of charge.

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A small example of past local projects

3 bedrooms need wooden flooring

Wolverhampton, WV4

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