What happens to duplicate listings for the same business

Trade members are only allowed to have one listing and the most recent listing will be retained.  Previous duplicate listings will be disabled by the admin team from the platform.  Please do not attempt to add a second listing, instead aim to make your single listing awesome so that prospective customers really appreciate the wealth of skills and experience you have to offer when it comes to choosing which tradesperson they want to accept a quote from.  As an important aside, you'll also find that your listing gets picked up increasingly be search engines the more you add useful, unique, and relevant content and complete the details of your profile fully.  Go ahead, and upload photos of your work, complete your qualifications, add your skills and experience. Make your listing stand out from the rest.

Adding multiple listings to try to dominate a local search part of the Top Tradespeople site also flags warnings for us as to what kind of member you really are. Of course, these may be mistakes.  Sometimes people register and forget they opened an account, so they register again with a different email. If we determine that two or more accounts is owned by the same person (or company), we'll take action to disable the older one. We are not able to merge accounts either at the moment in time so that means you could well end up losing some of the information you took time to add about your business or sharing the reviews you worked hard to earn through Top Tradespeople between two profiles (one of which will be disabled and therefore likely unseen).