What are My Matches

What Are 'My Matches'?

'My Matches' are those jobs which match you according to the job types that you have told us that you want to hear about within the jobs radius that you have told us that you want to travel to.

You can increase the number of jobs that we will let you know about by email or SMS text alert (if you have chosen to receive text alerts about jobs), by going to 'My job types' and selecting more job types from there. You can also go to 'My areas' and increase the jobs radius to tell us that you cover a wider area and you should find that you will receive more job lead alerts. If you find that you are getting too many job lead alerts, consider reducing the jobs radius and the job types that you want us to tell you about in 'my job types' and 'my areas' respectively.

You will see the 'My Matches' button when you go to the job search pages. You can switch between 'My Matches' and 'All Jobs' to see all jobs posted on site.