My Job Types

Don't Miss Out On Potential Jobs

If you want us to keep you posted about the kind of job leads you are interested in quoting on, you need to go to 'my job types' which is on the top menu when logged into your account.

Keep You Job Types Updated

Check this regularly as job types may have been added as we expand the website. Also, don't assume that customers will necessarily post a job under the correct job type so ensure that you select everything that you could want to quote for - and don't forget to ensure that the area that you cover is big enough when you first start, to get you busy. You can expand your areas in 'My Areas'. Likewise, once you're getting lots of work, you might want to reduce the areas that you cover so you can do this again in 'My areas'.

Not Getting Enough Leads?

If you are not getting enough job leads through consider checking to see if there is anything else that you can do that you haven't selected before in 'My Job Types' and expanding your areas in 'My Areas'.

The more skills you have the more job leads you will get told about by email and SMS (if you have selected to be informed via SMS).

Don't Forget To Hit The Update Button

Remember to click the UPDATE button though when you change anything in here though as otherwise your changes will not be saved.

The job types you select here will also show on your profile pages on the website in the Top TradesPeople Tradesman Directory to help you promote your business.