How Do You Find Out About Leads?

When a lead comes in which matches your skills (those you have selected) and is within the radius that you selected you will receive an email (as long as you have not chosen to switch email notifications off) with a brief summary of the job lead and a link to visit the website and view more information. 

If you have text alert credits you will also receive an SMS text alert with a brief summary of the lead and a code to reply with to buy the lead.

Each day we also send out a daily digest of the latest jobs posted on Top Tradespeople so our members have a view of what is currently available (for example, leads which are further afield or are for skills which are slightly different or miscategorised by the job posters). Again, you can click the links on the job lists and be taken through to the site to see the full job lead details. To obtain the contact details of the customer and quote for the job you will, of course, need to use some of your job lead credits balance.